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19 March 2007

American Film Schools

匪来匪去2006-9-26 06:41


下面这张 U.S. News 弄的美国电影艺术硕士 MFA 专业排名,就是我当初研究的基本地图。

Film - Master of Fine Arts (1997)
Top Schools | Rankings Index | Methodology | FAQ

Average reputation score

1. New York University

1. University of Southern California

3. University of California -- Los Angeles

4. American Film Institute (CA)

5. California Institute of the Arts

6. Columbia University (NY)

7. School of the Art Institute of Chicago

7. University of Texas -- Austin

9. Florida State University

9. Northwestern University (IL)

9. Temple University (PA)

12. Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)

12. San Francisco Art Institute

12. University of California -- San Diego

15. San Francisco State University

15. University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee

17. Ohio University

17. Southern Illinois University -- Carbondale

17. Syracuse University (NY)

这张表是 1997 年排出来的,好像持续了很多年都没有改变。当然还有一些好学校这张表里没有列出来,大家可以到 Peterson’s 去查。这些学校基本上每一个我都到网上仔细研究过,还列了一张详细的表格,把每个学校的学费、奖学金机会、申请要求、要不要 GRE (有不少艺术专业都是不要求 GRE 的,想偷懒省钱省时间的注意了)、截止日期等等作了比较。下面就随意点评一下,文责不负。

纽约大学, NYU ,最近最火的校友就是李安了。数起来名导演一大把。如果你很有钱,又不想考 GRE ,纽约大学是很好的选择。纽约大学据我了解没有奖学金,学费生活费加起来每年可能比南加大贵差不多 1 万美元,我很向往,但是忍痛没申请:录取了也读不起。 NYU 以培养独立电影人出名,李安说过那里主要是培养导演的。我问过来自纽约大学的同学,和南加大比,动手操作的机会据说要少一些。前年夏天我去过那里,纽约大 学没有校园,就是一幢一幢的高楼,华盛顿广场就常常被他们当校园用了。电影系所在的艺术学院有专门一幢,旁边有一条商业小街,跟国内的夜市的摆设差不多一 模一样:一个个小铺子简陋地搭起来,密密麻麻,各种小吃, T shirt ,工艺品。如果你在里面走,会突然背后冒出一个人捏你的脖子肩膀,然后就生生的拉到他的按摩椅上狂按,等你反应过来,就应该买单了。从洛杉矶去纽约,觉得 像回国了一样。

南加州大学, USC ,给好莱坞培养后备军的学校。据说 60 年代以来,每年都有至少一个校友获得奥斯卡提名以上的荣誉。最有名的校友就是卢卡斯,泽米斯基,霍华德,据说斯皮尔伯格申请了几次都被拒,现在倒成了学校 的财主。中国人有方育平、杨德昌、刘国昌、于仁泰。我差点没有申请,因为还是太贵。网页上写着有奖学金以及助教的机会,写信去问,说竞争激烈,而且给的很 少,还是要自己准备绝大部分资金,不能指望这个。关于这个学校,我还会详细写。当时还是申请了,基本上就是要了一个心愿。这个学校是要 GRE 的。

加州大学洛杉矶分校, UCLA , deadline 最早的一个学校。对于加州的居民很便宜,对于其他人很贵。也有奖学金的机会。好像 GRE 可考可不考。这个学校的实验的倾向要比 USC 强。 USC 是很强调讲故事的,记得在一门课上,老师评论一个同学的作品的时候说:你不想讲故事为什么不去 UCLA ?我曾经给一部 UCLA 的毕业作品当制片人,发现他们学校不象南加大那样处处以 real world 的标准来要求。我去过他们的影展,发现玩形式和实验的比 USC 多。我当时申请了,但是很匆忙,连要求的一个 project 都没有交,很不出所料地被拒了。最有名的校友就是拍教父的科波拉了。中国人在这边的,听说过易志言(好像是学戏剧的),蔡康永(后来没拍电影)。这个学校 是 USC 的死对头,足球、电影系,都是。

美国电影学院, AFI ,听说跟 USC 一样倾向主流。很贵。而且这个学校在美国很特别,因为美国的大部分 production 是不细分专业的,这个学校就跟北京电影学院一样,分导演、摄影等专业。我是希望什么都学的,所以没申请。

加州艺术学院, Cal Arts, 这所学校很贵,听说以美术为主,走先锋路线。著名的校友有 Tim Burton.

哥伦比亚大学,是我听说过的最贵的电影学校。但是我知道有一个中国牛人居然拿到了全奖,此人正混迹于牛博网,不知道他会不会在这个话题露头。我可不敢申 请。据说杨澜夫妇每年会资助一个中国人,不知道那笔奖学金还在不在。 Milos Forman 就是那里毕业的,后来还作了电影系主任。在芝加哥有一个 Columbia College ,可不是克莱登大学,该校的电影专业口碑也不错,而且学费很便宜。如果去不了纽约的 Columbia ,倒可以考虑一下这个。


德州大学奥斯汀分校, UTA 。这是我当年的重点。这个学校便宜,奖学金高,而且有纪录片传统,它的电影专业就是和广播电视在一个学院的。我自以为有电视台的工作背景,应该是很接近的 了。踌躇满志,无情被拒。后来碰到这个学校来的人,说 UTA 的电影系非常小,每年只招不到 20 人,很难进去。这个学校的一个牛人就是拍 El Mariachi 成名的 Robert Rodriguez 。他还在学校读书时,利用暑假去墨西哥用 7 千美元拍了一部电影,整个摄制组就他一个人,从导演、摄影到录音全包,后来卖给哥伦比亚电影公司,该公司花大钱把那一塌糊涂的声音重做,结果票房评论大 红。他写过一本书叫做《十分钟电影学院》,大骂电影学院并教你怎样一个人拍电影的。中国名人有徐克、焦雄屏(学理论的)。

佛罗里达州立大学, FSU ,我记得该校托福要求其高无比,好像是 650 ,我自问分数不低,但是还是没达到要求。不申请。这个学校听说毕业的时候会选出几个学生导演,然后全力帮助拍毕业作品,拍的是 35 毫米长达 30 分钟的短片(南加大的毕业作品一般 12 分钟),学校出钱,目的就是拿奖。但是,如果你没有被选上,只能当炮灰了,好听一点就是绿叶。我知道有一个中国女生从那儿毕业,拿了一个学生艾美奖的。

西北大学, Northwestern University (千万别跟 Northwest University 搞混了, Northwestern 是名校, Northwest 就不知道了),我不记得为什么没申请了。

Temple University 。这个学校在费城,曾经是我的重点,但是后来居然错过了 deadline 。因为这学校突然间把 deadline 提前了一个月!之所以是重点,因为这学校是给全奖的。最早知道它,是在陈燕妮的一本书:《遭遇美国》。其中采访的一个上海人在那里读书,拍的 MV 拿了奖,好像也是学生艾美。但是他并不喜欢这个学校,说这个学校反好莱坞,他对于这种不爱学习的姿态很不满。结果这人毕业了之后,又跑去 AFI 读了两年导演。这似乎就意味着,他在那学校除了免费读书,基本上没学到什么。但是当时出国心切,又穷,就决定申请,就当免费出国旅游了,但是心里多少有点 不情愿。 另外,听说这个学校是比较偏向纪录片的。

Rochester Institute of Technology ,在纽约州。不知道为什么,我对这所学校基本上毫无记忆了。我倒碰到过一位从那里毕业的中国人,学动画的,在洛杉矶找到了工作。

San Francisco Art Institute ,如果没记错,鲍德熹就是那里毕业的。好像也是比较前卫的学校。贵。我还记得鲍方为了支持儿子读书,不得不一把年纪重出江湖在香港无线电视台演连续剧。

University of California--San Diego , 我原来很想去那里,因为听说那里离海近,很漂亮。但是 UCSD 听说是偏向于多媒体艺术方面的。

旧金山州立大学, SFSU 。我有一朋友在那里读书,说很自由,很喜欢那里。该校不用 GRE ,学费很便宜(但是旧金山生活费很贵,而且,最近美国公立学校收费暴涨,不知道涨成什么样了),另外,要求有胶片拍摄的经验。我当时还没有拍过电影胶片, 不过还是申请了。首先它把我排在了 wait list 上面,然后很快就通知我说录取了。

University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee , 很先锋,很冷的地方,应该不贵。不知道为什么我没申请。

Ohio University . 另外一个重点。我的所有重点都有一个共同点:学费便宜,奖学金高。但是也把我拒了。比我晚来一年的中国师妹就在那里读过一个传媒学位,评语是:鸟不生蛋的地方。这个专业听说也很小,但是基本上只要录取就有全奖。

Southern Illinois University—Carbondale ,我另外一个重点。也要求电影胶片经验,把我拒了。这个学校的学费真的相当便宜,那种地方生活费也不会贵。听说校园特别大。《 Before the Rain 》的导演在那里毕业,后来去了纽约大学教书。《 Before the Rain 》是我很喜欢的一部电影。

Syracuse University ,在纽约州北部。我不知道为什么没申请这个。这学校听说奖学金给的特别好。可能是因为地方偏僻,而且特别冷。我是很怕冷的,据说一年的大部分时间都是冰雪 覆盖。我可以在冬天的北京洗冷水澡,但那是刹那的冷,我不能在长时间寒冷的地方生活,更何况迪尔凯姆在《自杀论》里说,人的自杀率随气温下降而上升。从气 候来说,加州很适合我,我是需要暴烈的阳光来保持生猛的精神的。


Loyola Marymount University ,这个学校听说不错,在洛杉矶。我前不久开车进去过,很大很漂亮。香港有一个导演就崔允信,就是从那里毕业。他拍过号称香港第一部 Dogma95 电影:《忧忧愁愁地走了》,我觉得很好。学费好像比 USC 便宜,也有奖学金或工作机会。我申请了,也被录取了。

犹他大学, Utah University ,我想拿这个学校垫底,因为该校在电影方面几乎没听说过,学费应该很便宜,离日舞电影节却很近,没想到对方给我来了一封信,说他们的 program 只招几个学生,往往就在本校解决。就很礼貌的把我拒了。

Savannah College of Art and Design ,号称全美最大的艺术院校。我那位旧金山州立大学的朋友就在那里读过,说城市和校园都很漂亮,但是治安不太好。听说里面的设备都是和工业同步的。但他觉得 不是学电影的环境,学了半年就申请到旧金山了。我一开始没申请它,在收了两所学校的拒信之后着急了,马上申请。这学校托福要求很低,不记得是 500 还是 550 了,而且不要求 GRE, ,但是如果你的 GRE 超过一定成绩,被录取的话就马上能拿到 5000 美元的奖学金。而且还有其他奖学金机会。还有一个好处,你可以读一年拿 MA ,如果有钱继续读,两年就能拿到 MFA ,所以,在经济上是比较可行的。


匪来匪去2006-9-26 06:42
最后附一篇文章,我觉得写得比较准确,供参考。为免国内打不开,我全文贴在这里了。更多的资料,请充分利用 google 。


Film Schools: Top film schools, film directing schools
Study Filmmaking at Boston University

If the answer to many of these questions is no, you may want to consider another film school. Well established film schools that have been around for a long time are generally taken more seriously in the film industry. The film students of film schools affiliated with major universities are also more widely accepted. As a prospective film student, you want your film school teachers to have had experience in the film industry. If not, how can you expect to learn from them how to break into the film industry? The film school’s credentials are very important. Some film schools give degrees that are almost worthless in the film industry. Make sure that the film school that you choose is one that is respected in the film industry.
Film School or Film Directing School Location
Another factor in choosing a film school is location. If you would like to remain closer to home, then check the film schools in your area. Many of the most acclaimed film schools are located in New York and in Los Angeles , as they are the two major film centers in the United States . You may want to choose a film school in one of these or another major city, because it will give you a chance to be close to the film industry. This opens up more opportunities for you to get an film-related internship or job.

Film Schools , Film Colleges , or Film Directing Schools That Meet Your Career Needs
Depending on what branch of film most interests you, you will want to select a film school with a degree/program that will aid you in your particular field of interest.

There are three major types of film schools. Industry film schools are film schools that prepare you for a career in Hollywood and teach you how best to go about selling your movie ideas to producers. Independent film school will help you if you want to produce major films outside of the Hollywood system. Experimental film school does not teach the financial and business side of film, but focuses on the artistic side of film.

Film School Degrees vs. Film School Diplomas
Another very important factor when choosing a film school is knowing what the film schools offer you upon graduation. Some film schools will offer a degree, and some will offer a diploma upon completion of the course, but no degree. That is not to say that the programs are not recognized by the film industry, however. Many of the film degrees available are MFA (Master of Fine Arts) Degrees. To be considered for admission into a film school program of this nature, you must already have an undergraduate degree.

If possible, visit the film schools or film directing schools you are seriously considering attending. Make sure that you like the campus, city, and program they have to offer. You are given many options when looking for a film school. Make sure you choose the one that is right for you.

Applying to Film Schools and Film Directing Schools
When applying to a film school or a number of film schools, you will be asked to provide them with various items to demonstrate your ability as a film-maker and prospective film school student. You may want to start early accumulating things that will look impressive in order to be admitted to your first choice film school.

Preparing Your Film School Résumé
The first item you will be asked to submit will be a résumé. In addition to the things you would put on any college application, you will want to focus on certain things. Many film schools look for students with advanced writing skills. Taking writing classes will give you an edge. Acting and theater-related classes will also help you, especially if you hope to specialize in directing during your film school career. Directing requires you to be able to relate and effectively communicate with the actors you are working with. Also, be sure to include any previous movie production experience you have, if any.

Making a Application Film for Film Schools
The other, equally important thing that a film school will want to see is a sample movie. Film schools want to see you in action. They want to see an example of your film production abilities. If you don’t have a video camera yourself, try to borrow one from a friend. The movie should not be very long. It should probably be between 5 and 10 minutes. Make multiple movies. Watch them with others and have them give you feedback. Your films will get progressively better as you gain more experience. With this information in mind, you may want to take different extra-curricular film programs and attend film camps to give yourself an extra edge in the competition for film school admission.

Other Requirements for Film School Applications
Some film schools may ask for other things, including a screenplay other example of your writing, an animation storyboard, or photographs. Much of it depends on the individual film schools, and what area of film you want to enter. For example, if you wanted to enter animation, you would most likely need to send your prospective film school drawings. Be sure to check the admission requirements for your specific film school.

How To Best Prepare for Film School
It is important to know how to adequately prepare yourself before applying to film schools or film directing schools. If properly prepared, gaining admission into top film schools or film directing schools will be much easier.

Make your own films: There are some film schools and film directing schools that require applicants to submit a short film that he or she has made. Therefore, it is important that you be prepared and make as many films as possible. Top film schools and film directing schools look for dedication, discipline, and passion.

Take as many writing courses as possible - It is very important to take as many writing courses as possible since many film schools and film directing schools favor applicants who can write proficiently.

Take acting and theater classes and courses - Enroll in as many acting and theater classes as possible since this will provide you with valuable experience and allow you to submit a strong application to film schools and film directing schools.

What You Should Do Once Enrolled in Film School or Film Directing School
A film school degree will not necessarily secure you a place in the Hollywood film industry. However, an MFA film degree will definitely be able to help you. It, at the very least will give you the credentials necessary to teach. If, however you are a prospective film student who is very motivated to break into the feature film industry, there are certain film goals you should attain during your film school career. During a film school career, the typical successful film school student that goes on to make feature films accomplishes a few things. A film school student destined for success will come out of film school with a very good short film. The film student will generally also have a screen-play for a feature film that they have written and intend to make into a film. This is especially important if you want to direct films.

What type of film classes should students take when enrolled in film schools?
Depending on what film school you go to, most will offer a slightly flexible film curriculum. Many film schools allow you to specialize, depending upon your career goals for the film industry. If a film school student wants to be directing films, producing films, editing films, or working in one of the multitudes of other jobs necessary to putting a film together, there is most likely a class for them. This, however, means that a film student will increase his or her chances of success by knowing what type of film career he or she wants to pursue after film school. A film school student should choose film classes based on this goal, because, while all film students will be given a general education in the basics, many good film schools will not only allow you to, but encourage you to become more specialized in one area of film studies. Film schools will generally offer classes in many or all of the following categories:

Cinematography in Film

Producing Films and Film Production

Film Directing

Film Production Design

Set Design

Screenwriting for Films

Film Editing

Working with Actors

Many top film schools will offer various levels of all of these film courses. Sometimes, you will take the basic film courses in all of these areas. After that, however, a film school student may often choose what areas of film he or she wishes to continue studying. For example, a film school student wishing to become a film director may take all of the Film Directing courses offered to him, as well as all of the Working with Actors courses. He may, however, choose to only take only one class of Producing Films. Alternatively, if a film school student wanted to produce films after gradation from film school, he or she may take all the Producing Films courses, but only one Film Directing course. Remember the importance of deciding on your film career goals before enrolling in one of the top film schools. The options are endless, and you should check the curriculum of the film schools you are considering attending and choose your film school schedule wisely.

U.S. and Canada students can enroll in online bachelor degree programs at top online universities.

Back to top of Film schools, film directing schools, and film making school and colleges .

匪来匪去2006-12-16 20:13

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